Bee venom

Bee venom is a product of bees, whose primary biological purpose is to protect the honeybees from the enemy. It is a thick, colorless liquid bitter sour taste and a specific smell.

The composition was not fully known, but it is known to contain a variety of enzymes, peptide (melittin), physiologically active amines and neurotransmitters, amino acids, and a greater amount of minerals, especially copper and magnesium, histamine and substances that have the ability of blood clotting.

After drying, protected from tarnishing becomes a white powder.

The toxin could be administered as a medicament by direct bee sting then bees or deflection can be administered by injection, and then diluted venom is used in greater amount. Both methods can be carried out only in the presence of a doctor.

The use of bee Zotov was accepted in medicine. It is used as an antirheumatic, acts as a pain reliever, lowering blood pressure, reduction of cholesterol, protects the body against infectious diseases, the treatment of arthritis, with neurelgija, and inflammation of blood vessels and varicose veins. New research has focused in his protuumorskom action that is linked to the main ingredient of poison – melittin.

Agro life Ltd
Barutanski jarak 42
10000 Zagreb

VAT No: 22631412742

+385 (0)1 24 20 572

+385 (0)99 45 45 455

Agroalfa is engaged in the cultivation of various types of plants used in animal nutrition, the manufacture and sale of animal rugs, the production and sale of timber and timber products. We produce and sell honey from our own apiaries or in cooperation with our partners.

A special activity we are dealing with is the introduction of MYCORRHIZE into agricultural production, which gives superior results without the use of chemical preparations.

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P. O. BOX 28096

+971 (0)4 580 5086

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