Najsavršeniji proizvod prirode!
Med je slatki proizvod koji pčele medarice (Apis mellifera) tvore od nektara sakupljenog na cvjetovima ili slatkim izlučevinama (medena rosa) nekih kukaca.
Nektar koji pčele skupljaju sa cvijeća glavni je izvor ugljikohidrata, kojeg pretvaraju u lako probavljive šećere, najčešće glukozu i fruktozu, koji su glavni sastojci meda.
Zreli med ne sadrži više od 15-20% vode, o čemu ovisi njegov viskozitet, težina i kristaliziranje. Osim šećera u medu se nalaze minerali, vitamini, enzimi aminokiseline, organske kiseline kao što su mravlja, jabučna, limunska, octena, jantarna kiselina, pigmenti, razni derivati klorofila, vosak, inulin itd.
Jedna velika žlica meda, koja otprilike teži 20 grama sadrži:
- energetska vrijednost: 64 kcal
- proteini: 0,06 g
- ugljikohidrati: 17,3 g
- ukupne masti: 0,06g
- prehrambena vlakna: 0,042g
The rate of crystallization of a particular honey depends on its type, so we can safely say that the characteristic of natural honey is its crystallization. It is decrystallized at a temperature of about 40-45 ° C because it does not destroy valuable properties.
If you take honey in a variety of beverages (teas, etc.) you have to be careful that they are not too hot as too much of its healing will lose its healing properties. The honey should be completely dissolved in the liquid at temperatures up to 40 ° C. If you take honey without liquid, it is advisable to keep it in your mouth until it has dissolved.
Agro life Ltd
Barutanski jarak 42
10000 Zagreb
VAT No: 22631412742
+385 (0)1 24 20 572
+385 (0)99 45 45 455
Agroalfa is engaged in the cultivation of various types of plants used in animal nutrition, the manufacture and sale of animal rugs, the production and sale of timber and timber products. We produce and sell honey from our own apiaries or in cooperation with our partners.
A special activity we are dealing with is the introduction of MYCORRHIZE into agricultural production, which gives superior results without the use of chemical preparations.
Branch office UAE
P. O. BOX 28096
+971 (0)4 580 5086
+971 (0)50 87 28 110